Wednesday, August 11, 2010

July followed by August

Hello world, I hope my words find you well. I write this update as I return from the sunshine state of Florida, where a group of us, went south to celebrate the marriage of good friends. The celebrations were joyous, emotionally charged and filled with laughter. On a personal note, this was my first trip down to Miami and I must say, it really is an impressive city. I managed to see famous Collins Avenue that runs down next to the Atlantic Ocean, ate at some nice kosher eateries and suffered, but survived the hot temperatures of the Florida summer.

The wedding was spectacular. There is always added joy and happiness when the wedding is that of a close friend. We spent Shabbat in Aventura at the famous Fairmont Golf resort and we attended Shabbat services and ate our meals at Chabad of Aventura. The meals were especially nice as we recounted stories, sang songs and consumed alcoholic beverages.
Sunday was wedding day, and we marched the groom to meet his bride under the Chupa. The bride circled the groom seven times and the blessings ensued and the couple were wed. The reception was lively as the band introduced the bride and groom to a shocking remake of some lady gaga song. The food was delicious and the drinks were flowing. It was a great night.

During the month we fasted and cried over the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem as the New York City summer rain fell. The Australian dollar regained strength and crept over the 90’s, as did the weather. Apparently, July of 2010 was the hottest ever-recorded summer in New York City.

And so it is.

The month of Elul has begun, and repentance, prayer and charity are in full swing. I wish you all a month of health, wealth, happiness and personal reflection on the past year. Wishing you all a happy New Year and don’t forget to greet the King while he is in the field.

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