Wednesday, July 20, 2011

June to July and more

Hello Miami, hello summer. It is viciously hot in Southern Florida but enjoying the beautiful surroundings. Atlantic Ocean waves, tropical storms and Cuba is only a 100 odd miles away.

The world was shocked and speechless as a young boy, just 9 years of age was brutally murdered in Brooklyn, New York. The abduction and subsequent savage attack on a young, naïve, innocent child was shocking and disturbing. There really are no words!

Rupert Murdoch made huge headlines (not sure it was reported in his own newspaper) as he closed ‘News of the world’ after 168 years of tabloid scandal. Quite funny as the demise of the largest scandal newspaper in the UK came via a scandal, a phone hacking scandal.

Congratulations to South Sudan on becoming the newest independent sovereign country on Planet Earth. Africa welcomes you and your arms. Meanwhile, North of South Sudan, Libya continues their warfare as petrol prices soar. Greece and Portugal continue to have financial woes in Europe. While on the topic of finance, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) elected a woman to fill the top seat (vacated by Dominique Strauss-Kahn). In any case, I wish former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde congratulations on her election as IMF chief - please behave yourself.

The so-called peace Flotillas attempted to sail in the Mediterranean but didn’t get far. They then thought they could outsmart the Israelis by attempting a Flytilla (same idea as flotilla but via the air, as opposed to the sea) but they failed. It was an epic fail. Intelligent Israeli security personnel made sure no flytilla or flotilla took place.

Americans (and some others around the world) have been glued to their TV sets for about 5 weeks as they saw the Casey Anthony v State of Florida case take place. It was Law and Disorder as Anthony was acquitted on all Murder charges. While another Anthony, Anthony Weiner was all but forgotten.

In the tech world, Google+ was launched to counter the other social network sites. Facebook hooked up a video chat with Skype and Twitter joined in on the Social Media Chaos. ‎

Japan beat the U.S.A in the women’s world cup soccer final. Rafael Nadal won the French Open and Serbia hasn’t had such a bright day in a long time when local son Novak Djokovic won his first Wimbledon title.

Wishing you all a happy second half of July and be safe in the 9 days. Say a prayer for a friend of mine, Yonatan Zev Ben Yael for a complete and speedy recovery.


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