Monday, September 5, 2011

Hurricane season and August

Hello readers and followers, I hope the past few weeks have been good and pleasant for you, wherever you may be.

I moved to Florida at the outset of the 2011 summer, and was warned that the weather would be unbearable, miserable and outlandishly temperamental. And so it has been. We have had patches of summer tropical rain whilst simultaneously having gorgeous summer sunshine.

The summer months bring about Hurricane season, 2011 brought about ‘Irene’. Though it didn’t wage its battle in Florida, it moved North to the city that never sleeps. New York City was able to once again create immense hype as they awaited Hurricane Irene (which was later downgraded to tropical storm Irene). This all came about in the same week that many New Yorkers (and other East coasters) experienced earth tremors.

On the topic of tremors, Wall Street continued to get a beating as world markets and currencies caused headaches worldwide. Google acquired Motorola for $12 Billion and Steve Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple.

London Bridge nearly fell down as rioters took to the streets of many English cities. London was a riot, as youths burnt buildings, looted and made a complete mockery of the Police.

Libyan nationals continue the war on Gadaffi, as they attempt to capture the dictator who now has a price on his head. Meanwhile in Gaza, arms smuggling and terrorism is in full effect (and people still believe the Flotilla was a peace vessel). Wishing a long life to the families of those who lost loved ones in the recent attacks on innocent civilians in the South of Israel.

During the last month, a former classmate of mine, Chaim Yonatan Zev Halevi ben Yael lost his battle to lung cancer. He battled hard, but in the end G-d wanted him back. May his family be comforted in this difficult time and may you only have joyous time from here on in.

As Rosh Hashona (Jewish new year) approaches, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and sweet new year and may you all be written and inscribed for a beautiful, healthy new year ahead.

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