Sunday, January 31, 2010

January never ends ....

Well hello once again, wherever you may be. Recovery sessions are in progress after Planet Earth welcomed in 2010. Fireworks, alcohol and party atmosphere have filled the month of January. Birthday celebrations, farewell parties and other meaningful (less) shindigs were attended and had. And they were good. Yes, they were spectacular.

Life is good in the summertime; I continue to relish the long days and outdoor activity that the summer provides. Thanks for the barbeques, beer and memories. I attended the summer flicker-fest at Bondi Beach and it was satisfying to see the up and coming talent of Australian short films. Producers, actors and consumers flocked to the coastal suburb as they enjoyed the atmosphere and ambience that Bondi has to offer.

Terror continues to disrupt life as the Togo national soccer team came under fire as they were en route to the Africa Cup of Nations. Such is life in the diamond district of Africa. Civil wars rage dictators’ rule and destitution increases.

Total and utter destruction struck Haiti just after the New Year as a major earthquake shook the Caribbean country. As looters took to the streets to pilfer, international rescue teams started the grim task of recovery. Miracles were found amongst the natural disaster, as a Haitian was pulled from the rubble 15 days after the initial quake. With death tolls rising upwards of 300, 000 and conditions deteriorating the clean up continues. Many pledges were made, with some of the big banks making donations. Tiger Woods contributed as well, and I am certain if Michael Jackson were still breathing, a nice donation would have been in order. It was pleasant to see the world ‘hold hands’ and assist the poor and impoverished people of Haiti.

Apple added the iPad to its arsenal and time will tell as to how this little new piece of technological art will fare. I give it the thumbs up (iLike). Technology is just moving in the most superb ways.

During the month I began to read the literary account of Menachem Begin and the ‘revolt’ he and others undertook to retake ‘ the land of our fathers’. In the early 40’s Begin was exiled into the depths of Russia but was later released as he held Polish citizenship. The description of the incidents and happenings were exceptional, heartfelt and encouraging. Begin had dreams, and he fulfilled them. In the same vein, as Begin ‘returned’, may we all merit to ‘return’ to the holy land very soon.

February awaits and it contains the festive holiday of Purim. I wish you all a happy Purim and may you obliterate the name of the wicked and drink merrily to the name of good.

The Golden Globes came and went and Avatar picked up best picture, hence James Cameron celebrated. So did I. Birthday celebrations were held, and friends and family wished, drank and sent me off into ‘my new year’. I thank all my family and friends for the lovely, meaningful and thoughtful wishes. I thank all those who consumed a whisky, vodka, beer or three in my honour. You truly made my day that extra special. And to those who missed out, fear not, as I continue to accept birthday wishes, well after the 19th of January.

What can I say; my life is girt by the most fantastic family and friends.

For me, January never ends.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

iPad gone mad.

So Apple have introduced the iPad into their suave network of technology and electronics. So every tech guru, Apple whore/ Mac abuser (not to get confused with the apple core) and PC lover have opinions, insights and premature assessments of the latest hot Mac essential - the iFad. Of course I refer to the iPad, the tablet that Apple head, Stephen Jobs introduced to planet Earth today.

This new piece of Mac art can pretty much do anything, besides make a phone call.

Time will tell as to how userfriendly this new product actually is. Will it win hearts or will it kill souls? Will it surpass its expectations or will it wither in misery?

Of course there will be those who get irate and there will be those who will have a love affair with this new device.

Support it or not, technology is a certain winner.

Updates will follow.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Australia Day

January 26 is Australia Day. The city of Sydney was founded in 1788 and since then, we celebrate. Simply, it is a public holiday celebrating the sunburnt country.

Happy Days.

Monday, January 18, 2010

'The Great Escape' - By Kati Marton

Kati Marton writes this flowing narrative with passion, flair and descriptive prose. The Great Escape is centered around nine Jews who fled Hitler and subsequently changed the world. The nine are in order of no importance, the four scientists Leo Szilard, Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner and John Von Neumann; the film directors Michael Curitz and Alexander Korda; the photographers Andre Kertez and Robert Capa; and author Arthur Koestler.

Marton captures the lives of these 'men', during the struggles and the triumphs. The writer floods the reader with a picture of European instability, specifically the downfall of Hungary and the old quaint city of Budapest. The cafes, boulevards and gymnasiums are given delicate detail. Their new lives in the 'modern' cities of Los Angeles, New York City and Paris are unique. The history of communism, fascism and the unfortunate rise of Nazi Germany are contained within the story. The achievements, accolades and many prizes that adorn these men are detailed by Marton with beautiful expression.

Budapest's loss, was society's gain.

Each of these nine men, who had talents, dreams and aspirations left behind families and their homelands to 'change' the world for 'us'.

Read and learn.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mid January and Cyberwar

Not only are wars being fought in the Middle East and in various war-torn regions of Africa, but a cyberwar, and possibly more than one is being waged across cyberspace.

Google have alleged that Chinese Government agencies are responsible for these cyberattacks. Google are not alone, other companies join in on the defence. The problem for those trying to defend themselves is the impossibility of pinpointing the exact location of the initial attack. This is not man to man combat per se, nonetheless, damaging it surely is.

Be Wary. (excuse the pun)

When tragedy strikes ...Haiti

Haiti has been on the receiving end of a catastrophic earthquake. Reports have suggested that the death toll could be upwards of 100,000 and that it may take 60 years to rebuild the destruction. In scenes reminiscent of the 2004 Tsunami, total destruction and loss of life has once again occurred. Haiti, home to 10 million, will now start the new year, mourning, rebuilding and refocussing on the future.

Warnings can be given, but really who is prepared for such natural disasters? Haiti, seemingly situated on fragile plates, received a massive quake. Thoughts and prayer go out to those lost, those who lost and those who retained but will battle physical and psychological issues in overcoming such enormous destruction.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bondi Beach flickerfest

I attended flickerfest - a film festival of short Australian movies. Held in beautiful bustling Bondi Beach, the movies were cultured, meaningful and of course short.

It crossed my mind, that in the longer staged films, the point or intention of the film can be lost. The shorter type films, which at times end with an abruptness, highlight the hopeful messages contained within the characters, the plot and the scenes.

Happy watching.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

First week of 2KX, as known as 2010.

Well, the urban dictionary (and other sources) have labelled 2010, 2KX. The Roman numerical value of K which is 1000 and X which is 10, plus the 2, make up the 2KX figure. How so very simple. (Oh, how Julius Caesar would be so proud.)

When I see Roman numerals, I remember Algebra and Mathematics class. It also reminds me of the Asterix and Obelix comic series. It reminds me of the importance of education, learning and of youthfulness.

Returning back to the turn of the millennium, the year 2000 was labelled Y2K. I know of people who have used this part Roman numerical number as nicknames, pseudonyms and screen names.

Creative people give life to the world, wishing you all a creative and procreating 2KX.

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