Monday, November 8, 2010

November 2010

Greetings - some time has elapsed since my last entry. Events have occurred. Babies have been born. Seasons have changed.

Things are good in the Northern Hemisphere.

I do intend to update happenings shortly.

Until then, stay warm and healthy.

'Life of Pi' - By Yann Martel

Yann Martel is the author, Pi Patel the main human character and then there is a Bengal tiger. It is a story of tragedy, drama and achievement. Set in the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, Pi (or rather 3.14) spends months on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. They were en-route to Canada before their cargo ship sunk. They capsize together, they bond together and they share history together.

Martel has the ability to capture a captivating story of determination, fearlessness and courage.

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