Thursday, August 20, 2009

Double lightning bolt strike

I would like to complement my post on Usain Bolt (the Jamaican Cheetah ) and add that the lightning Bolt has struck twice. Bolt continues to break records with incredible pace and human ability.

Watch Bolt win the 200 meter fly in Berlin.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another chapter

I was having an X-ray today on my teeth, and during the procedure I had a thought that X-rays are actually X-rated. 

This will be the name of another of the chapters in my book titled 'The Pedantic Semantics'.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Jamaican Cheetah.

Human feats are sometimes plagued with controversy. I refer more specifically to sporting feats, where world records are set and established. (There are of course other human natural feats and accomplishments which are filled with dispute and disagreement.)

Today, the Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt (And he runs light a lightning bolt) broke his own natural world record of the 100 meter dash in Berlin. Bolt will be tested for any enhanced substances which may have assisted in his triumph and record, but Bolt has shown sheer natural talent and ability in winning this title. Bolt will be categorised by some as a human freak, with freakish ability to run and continue breaking world record times.

It is the custom amongst some to be jealous and envious of people when they record or obtain incredible feats. There will be those who will say Bolt is a cheat, drug ridden and so on. As of now, Bolt owns the record and is to be congratulated. 

The Man v Cheetah (world's fastest animal) has already been staged, with obviously no doubt as to the winner. In my opinion that kind of race is pointless. The cheetah will not be upstaged by a human.  All that we can say about Usain Bolt is, that he is the Jamaican Cheetah.

Here is a video clip of Bolt's sensational race in berlin earlier today.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Destination Sydney

I write, from Los Angeles International Airport in Terminal 2 (post security check) as I await for Air New Zealand flight 1 to Sydney via Auckland. 

LA has been great to me. She has been warm and hospitable, providing sunshine and good sites (sights). I caught up with old friends, interestingly, made some new ones. (And somehow lost some.)

I always enjoy Southern California (I have yet to see Northern). It is a beautiful piece of creation, bordered by deserts, water, mountains and valleys. 

Next stop Sydney - Born and bred in Bondi Beach I am looking forward to my return to this stunning metropolis. 

All aboard ... 

Airports and love

I got this piece from the Movie Love Actually. (It could be true)

'Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, 

I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow airport.

General opinion makes out that we live in a world of hatred and greed

I don't see that.

Seems to me that love is everywhere.

Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy but it's always there.

Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives,

boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends.

When the planes hit the Twin Towers,

none of the phone calls from people on board were messages of hate or revenge,

hey were all messages of love.

lf you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around.'

Friday, August 7, 2009

From east to west

Landed in sun drenched Southern California for a few days, en route to Australia. The weather is magnificent, which allows for beach, sun and water related activities. 

Time to catch up with some friends, some newer some older. 

What I have observed about California is the vast space and width of the area. One can actually 'breathe' here, unlike the overcrowded and cluttered New York City.

California is famous for many things, in the past, it was the gold rush. In more recent times (pretentious and unpretentious) celebrities and people involved in the entertainment industry have gathered and now live in the Los Angeles vicinity. California is home to some beautiful beaches up the west coast, and its wine region in the north.

California has a former movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger as its Governor  and have held the summer olympic games twice, once in 1932 and 1984.

I am a pacific coast kind of guy.

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