Friday, August 7, 2009

From east to west

Landed in sun drenched Southern California for a few days, en route to Australia. The weather is magnificent, which allows for beach, sun and water related activities. 

Time to catch up with some friends, some newer some older. 

What I have observed about California is the vast space and width of the area. One can actually 'breathe' here, unlike the overcrowded and cluttered New York City.

California is famous for many things, in the past, it was the gold rush. In more recent times (pretentious and unpretentious) celebrities and people involved in the entertainment industry have gathered and now live in the Los Angeles vicinity. California is home to some beautiful beaches up the west coast, and its wine region in the north.

California has a former movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger as its Governor  and have held the summer olympic games twice, once in 1932 and 1984.

I am a pacific coast kind of guy.

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