Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 09

Hi guys, hope all is well, wonderful and wild wherever you may be. I haven’t written in a while, but after speaking to a friend earlier, who asked ‘why haven’t you written’? I was compelled to write again.

Welcome to 2009, where ‘change’ has arrived. Even though many departed from 2008 quite short of ‘change’. Especially those, whose money was made-off with. Additionally I thank my mum for making the time to visit New York and I. Truly, she does love the adventure.

When January came about, heavy fighting could be seen in the Gaza strip as Israeli Defence Forces, backed by the Israeli Air force defended its country, causes and citizens. A defensive incursion into a terrorist plagued area, a justified security assault on terrorism. May G-d continue to protect Israel and its inhabitants.

America (North) got their 44th President in the form of Barack Obama. America (South) continues in the name of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, to deny the Holocaust, support terror and manipulate its citizens to vote him in for another decade. Fidel Castro has apparently praised Obama and wished him luck in his new expedition as President. I wish him the same luck.

I will keep this short and concise but I will attempt to write a lengthier report next time round. I have been busy studying for the New York Bar. The studies are coming along, as I try and gather and grasp enough Law and lore for the exam, which is set down for the end of February. In the meantime, an airplane landed in the Hudson River and miraculously all survived on board. People still mind each other’s business on the subway as the Metropolitan Transport Authority attempt to create a fare increase for Public Transport. However, the United States mint continues to print multitudes of money. I guess that is what makes the world go crazy.

Please send me a line or two and let me know, how you are faring in your little oasis.

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