Thursday, April 29, 2010

Post April - Mayhem.

Hello fellow readers and followers around the world, I hope April has showered upon you blessings and success.

Pesach/Passover was redeeming, as was the Manishewitz wine that was drunk. The Matzah and its unleavened essence left a mark on the world, as a large Volcano in Iceland erupted causing havoc in European airspace. Lava flowed as billows of smoke filled the air. Empty airplanes, stranded passengers and disgruntled airlines filled news broadcasts. In the meantime, the Polish President and his entourage were killed in an Airplane accident in Russia. It ended up being a black day somewhere near White Russia.

The long awaited iPad, Apple’s latest electronic toy was unveiled in the United States. Apparently it is an electronic book reader, quasi computer and music player all in one. In an act that can only be described as complete ‘selflessness’, Israel banned the importation of the iPad (they are of no use to Israel, as their are no suitable applications on the iPad to forge passports and other documents). I’m just saying. This ban has now been lifted, and the iPad can be brought into Israel for personal importation only.

The 2010 soccer World Cup is imminent and advertisements and theme songs for the event have started to circulate in the media. Argentina’s Lionel Messi continues to amaze the soccer world with his incredible skill, mastery and composure. Although, no longer in the hunt for consecutive Champions League victories, Messi scored some incredible goals for Barcelona, and in one game scored all 4 of his teams goals as they crushed a hapless Arsenal outfit.

I wish my father long life and many years of happiness and joy, following the passing of his mother, my grandmother. Bubba (grandmother) as she was affectionately known, was the Matriarch of our family. Born In the 1920’s in Poland, she survived the European devastation of World War 2. Bubba and my grandfather started a fresh new life in Australia, paving the way for our family to live, grow and develop in this great country. Bubba was a mother, grandmother, friend, storyteller, Yiddish literature enthusiast and so much more.

In happier news, I was admitted as a lawyer in Sydney, Australia. The ceremony took place at the New South Wales Supreme Court, in which the esteemed Chief Justice Spiegelman admitted myself and other law graduates to his honourable court. It was a proud moment as family and friends watched from the Banco Court seating gallery as another momentous event in my life occurred. I thank all my family and friends, for their guidance, support and help in making my achievement possible.

During the past month, Israel Independence Day was celebrated. Additionally, ‘white shirt’ day was staged as the world continues to protest and hope for the quick and safe release of Israeli captive Gilad Shalit. Take a moment and say a prayer for Gilad’s return and Israel’s security.

May there be no more sorrow.

Wishing you all a month of positive Mayhem.

Peace. Sled.

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