Sunday, October 12, 2008

Israel - The interim report

Israel – The interim report.


The Days of atonement have passed and we welcome in the days of Joy. Israel is an incredible place. The atmosphere of Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (day of atonement) have been electrifying. I prayed at the Mayanot institute in Nachlaot, a small neighbourhood in Jerusalem and the services were heartfelt, inspiring and rewarding. The heralding in of a new year, one blessed with many success stories, new births, good tidings and many more promising themes, was almost perfect.


Family time is always welcomed. There is no better way than to spend it in the heart of hearts. Jerusalem has that effect. We prayed together, we feasted together, we were together. I thank my family for their open arms (and houses) on my trip to their suburb. I thank the congregations who have hosted the festival services, and will continue to do so.


My stay in Israel is somewhat limited, but I have already ventured out on a few tours. I bussed down the coast to Tel Aviv-Jaffa (Yafa) and toured the old port city of Jaffa. Rich in history and one of the oldest known cities in the Bible, Jaffa offers the opportunity to sample some of the holiest parts of Israel mixed with the most secular parts of modern Israel. Jaffa, a biblical town, mentioned in the Talmud, dates back to the famous Prophet Jonah, who tried to run and hide himself from G-d. How Jonah thought this was possible remains a question. Tel Aviv, the coastal city is a modern metropolis, laden with Judaism and Western culture. Tel Aviv contains some of the holiest streets, yet provides pure secularism to its extreme. An unbalanced approach, an unhealthy environment, a disturbing future.


However, so holy.


And interim this report is. To be continued....

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