Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Return

My return in the month of many happy returns - special thanks to my sisters and Brothers in law and cousin Daniel for my smooth arrival.

I have not visited Israel in a long time. A void growing, a feeling of nullity. A time empty and missing. A period where accomplishment of other kinds were completed. However our brothers and sisters in Israel, still feel unaccomplished. They live in fear in a placid land. They are ambushed with savagery of the ugliest kind. But hope they have.

I have the opportunity to visit the holy soil where it all began, how fitting is it, that I have the chance to pay my respects to the holy land as it celebrates the day it was created.Israel has a special vibe and aura attached to it. It is embedded with more than words can express. It depicts more than a picture can portray. It is louder than voices can vocalize.

I have lived in Israel. I have moved on. The feelings for it, the longing to return, the craving to experience more, has never departed. What lies within, is a special and unique lust for its holiness, its vivacious atmosphere, its distinct culture, its nonstop happenings, the vulnerability of its surroundings.

Equipped with a seductive nature, it draws the saint and the sinner to its fields. It speaks to the young and the old, who are looking for some light, in that moment of despair. It brings together the man and woman, seeking everlasting love. It connects families for joyous occasions. It conceives ideas. It produces pedigree. It preserves its reputation. It fights its battles. It allows humankind to live in hope. It makes Jews, worldwide, proud.

A people formed thousands of years ago, a country recreated sixty years ago. Such achievements, many accolades, but not enough recognition. A country that continues to defy all odds. A sovereign state who constantly battles the iniquity and evil of the world. A kingdom rich with culture and education. An army, as small as the ant, yet as strong. A country, where concepts such as despair and hopelessness, do not exist.

The question arises, how does Israel possess such qualities, as to bring serenity amongst many, yet it battles its own hardships of peace? How can human tranquility exist, where violence and bloodshed is in existence? A contradiction. An apparent conflict of themes and notions. No forthcoming answers, no collective solution.

But we return.

Somehow, a magnetic force, not found elsewhere, pulls G-d's holiest creation, the man and woman, to G-d's favourite garden.I return, to spend the holiest part of the year, in the holiest part of the world, with the holiest of people. Pray one, pray all, for the upkeep of our rich country of Israel. Request from G-d, for the protection of our holy brothers and sisters. Let us preserve our home.

Because, what point is man, without a home.

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