Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Grandfather, the Godfather.

Today, we as a family mourn the loss of our dear grandfather. Da, will be sorely missed with his caring, loving and comedic attributes always to be remembered. He was a husband, father, a grandfather, great grandfather, uncle and friend of many.

Family life and Da, were inseparable. Da cared for the longevity of his family. He poured heart and soul into his family and we are evidence to his hard persevering work. Da has left behind more than words can detail, express and convey. He leaves a beautiful woman in Nana, known as Pet whom he loved endlessly. My mother, Narelle, My Auntie Margo and Uncle Bart, he adored. Da Had 13 Grandchildren, 3 grandchildren in law and 3 great grandchildren. He loved us all. We brought him so much joy.

Da, or known as Dad and Papa Bobby, was the funniest man I grew up with. His sense of humour ranged from the most simple to the most rude. Da Always knew how to bring light upon the occasion. A joke, a laugh and a bottle of Fosters light ice. That was the quintessential persona of Da. He was a champion in all our eyes, he was the Godfather, whom we will always look up to.

I never had the opportunity to ask Da about his stories as a soldier in the Australian army, but here was a man, who had ambitions to be a dentist, but put his country before his personal agenda.

From my young days, Da, followed by his learned student in Uncle Bart, would coach me and my brother Sruli on how to become the next Don Bradman. It was always, 'Keep your eye on the ball'. Da would bowl a cricket ball, or hit a forehand, with much patience as he watched his grandchildren grow and develop into becoming proud citizens of a country that he loved. Obviously, only later in life was I able to comprehend what Da was actually saying, ' Stay focussed, be committed and to be successful, it takes much toil'.

Growing up, Friday afternoon's always has a special place in my heart. Da and Nana would always make regular appearance to 17 Anglesea St, to drop off Fosters light Ice and so that Da could have his Challah, that his 'little Narelle' had made for shabat. He absolutely loved it. He would always inquire as to the happenings in our lives. It was our success and differing paths in life, which made him so proud. I have no doubt, that Da is beaming with smiles from up above.

In recent times, even when it has been tough going, Da would always infuse some humour into the situation. When I was recovering in New York, post surgery, stemming from a car accident, both Nana and Da, amongst others would call to see how I was recuperating. It must have been about day 8 after intense surgery, when Da asked me, 'Shlomy, have you had a drink yet'? To which I replied, actually I haven't, my doctor forbids it at the moment. To which Da replied, 'well in that case, you better switch doctors'. My mother, can attest to the fact, that until today, we still laugh as to what Da said. With broken ribs and in immense pain from surgery, he filled our lives with hope and joy. This was Da.

On the 11th day of Nissan, 5768, the 16th of April 2008, Da was recalled to a better place. It is only fitting, that his mission in this world came to a completion on the holy day of the 11th of Nissan. It is on this day, that the saintly and revered Rebbe of Lubavitch, rabbi Menachem Mendel Scheneerson, of blessed memory celebrates his birthday. Nana and Da, were fortunate enough to receive blessings from the Rebbe, and I know those blessings have come into fruition.

I will forever remember the visit to Capetown, South Africa in February 2004 that Nana and Da made, to visit whilst I was living there. The little time that it was, the memories of such good time will remain with me forever.

Da leaves a legacy, which we live on in his memory. He leaves us with umpteen stories, anecdotes and jokes, for us to remember, laugh over and share.

There are so many things to say and tell, and these are yet a few which I thought were worth a yell.

He loved his family, it was his pride. He lived his family, it was his life.

This is your life Da...........

My Grandfather always told me, 'Marry old, there is less of it'

He also said, with regards to marriage, 'you get less for murder'

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