Sunday, September 21, 2008

A taste of the Big Apple from Brooklyn Orchards.

Well fellow journeyers, it is time that I thought a few words from the North, the former New Amsterdam, were due. 

I can proudly announce that progress and development is being made in my new surroundings here in New York. Slowly and heading towards a state of surety, I am settling into the land, that has been called by some, the land of opportunity. I would even lean towards saying, possibly, the second promised land. A land that does not flow with milk and honey, but Columbus realized that many a year ago. 

I found lodging and reside in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Of course, Brooklyn is in New York, but some would opine that Brooklyn is a state of its own. Some call it the Ghetto, I have heard others name it Crooklyn. The daring call it the borough of paradise. I moved into an apartment and am sharing with a friend and another, one of the new friends that I have made. I am meeting more kinds, of all colours, shapes and sizes.

The long summer days are absolutely cherished. The weather has had its ups and downs. Freak rain periods are not unusual for a New York summer. A light and sound show spectacular was also witnessed. For most part, the heat of the days are bearable and the nights are in a state between delightful and durable.     

The diverse populace makes life far more interesting. Mystics, mavericks and the devout are seen by the naked eye. The streets are highly occupied in the summer, it seems the crowds come out from their winter hiding and are enjoying the summer bliss. 

I am slowly gathering together information for my application to sit the New York Bar, which takes place in February. Once completed, I will be admitted to practice as an attorney in the state of New York. At the same time, I am looking for employment and with confidence and G-d's help I hope to find something suitable, appropriate and likable.

The Subway still snakes along its track ferrying the ever busy New York crowd from Brooklyn to Manhattan and Queens. The yellow cabs are taking fares across the city and the U.S dollar fluctuates. People are graying, some are growing. Others are evolving. Such is life, it is all about 'living'.

I would like to hear about all of your goings-on and happenings. So be not shy nor dry and please write me a few lines of the finer or even minor things in your life/ves.  

Once again, if you do find yourself in the strange land, be not a stranger, and let me know of your whereabouts. I would love to hear and or see of you. 

Please stay in touch.

Dream. Dare to dream.

Rabbi Shlomy Lederman LLB.

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