Monday, November 3, 2008

Flight of the Sabra

Some people make lists, where they put together various wishes, things & experiences that they wish to do before they go on to the better world. 

I hope that flying on ELAL Israel Airlines is not one of those wishes.

After recently experiencing one of the most satisfying holidays in Israel, I endured a comedic, danger filled flight with ELAL, from Tel Aviv to New York. I do not intend to report ELAL to the Civil Aviation authorities, but the way Passengers conducted themselves, before, during and after the flight has left me thinking. Do Israeli's really have no manners? Do they think they are superior beings? Is it because they are called Sabra's mean that they cannot sit on their behinds for an extra few minutes, without endangering the lives of fellow passengers? 

I could surely write a whole lot on the incident filled flight. But I'd rather ( if you are brave enough) for you to experience it yourself. 

Seat belts apparently save lives in cars. I assume the seat belts on an airplane is there for protective reasons and not for some fashionable purpose. During the landing stage at New York's JFK Airport, there were young children (all from ultra religious families) found running up the aisles, sleeping under seats and making excessive noise. All at the amusement of their parents. Then of course, before the plane gets to the gate, and whilst still in motion, every Israeli has already unbuckled their belt, retrieved his/her bag and cannot wait the extra minute to disembark. 

Because, they have to be the first one of the plane.

So help me, Lord.

I would like to hear some of your dangerous and hilarious ELAL experiences.

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