Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November report

Mo(N)ovemeber –  and its tricks.

Well it is that time again, an update of some sorts, due from the North of America, where cold temperatures exist and high ones are sought. The golden leaves have fallen of the trees, coats are being worn and yes, people are just people. The rain descends with precipitation, the Snow has yet to arrive, either has the Messiah.

After a whirlwind trip to Israel, I have returned to pursue my dreams, of obtaining acceptance to practice as an attorney in New York. I have started preparation studies, in familiarising and acquainting myself with American/New York substantive and procedural Law. Being such a diligent and disciplined student, I hold my rope of hope to fare well. (This is where I thank my parents.) So after acquiring some textbooks, some the size of Mt Everest, I have begun the daunting task of preparing myself for the gruesome and horrific New York Bar examination to take place in February 2009.  I have set the goal; I have the task at hand, so waltz with me as I battle the Law front on.

I have also begun the quest, albeit passively at the moment in landing work in the legal field. If anyone knows of someone or something with potential for work opportunity, please do not hesitate in contacting me. I am reliable, hardworking, disciplined, motivated, enthusiastic and of course modest.

My new move is looking bright. I have found a place; I would rather use ‘a place’ than ‘my place’, because I am unsure if anyone can find his or her place in New York. The Statue of Liberty could only find its place on Liberty Island. I rest my case. All in all, I am enjoying the new surroundings and different culture like atmosphere. I like the fact that convenience stores are open 24 hours, with the added bonus of acquiring alcohol. The recent elections and economic financial crisis, which has plagued the markets, is another reason for 24 hour, alcohol selling convenience stores. A coincidence, I do not think so.

I witnessed history in the making during November 2008, as the United States population, (well some of them) voted in a new President. The first coloured man to be elected In America. There were people calling for change, some were calling for a new future, while others said nothing.  History I witnessed, the rest is now shrouded in mystery.

Thanksgiving is imminent; Americans have this holiday celebrating the end of the harvest season. I always welcome in any holiday. Next month Is Chanukah and many other celebrations, ultimately followed By January 19 when the world and I celebrate my Birthday. (Presents and presence are both welcome.)

My Grandmother, Booba Malka, she should be healthy till 120, told me once in the name of the Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem, ‘that one needs a thousand eyes to cross Broadway’. The eyes represent opportunity. I have this mantra fixed in my mind as I traverse and chase my dreams in America. So I give blessings to one and all, for unlimited possibilities and favourable dreams in the time to come.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Have a merry and messy December.


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