Sunday, July 26, 2009


People who are in positions of power and authority and those who are supposed to be role models for society, ought not to abuse that power and control placed trustfully with them. Whether this be a Chief executive officer of a corporation, a Rabbi, the Priest, a Judge, a government official and the list continues.

If corruption and fraudulent behavior is found amongst those who are meant to act as figures of morality and ethical values, what is to be of the recipients of those figures? 

Of course, in such a situation we are not to follow and support the corrupt leader. 

It is almost the case of the blind leading the blind. 


Anonymous said...

the fact of the matter is sled, do they care?? thats the question we should be asking ourselves. do they care? is it not just so that they can further their bank accounts?? my opinion is that these so called leaders were deprived of attention as youngsters. being a teacher i know most about it. they were probably the class losers who no one took seriously and were in desperate need of power. the truth is i know very little on this particular case but from what u so elegantly say, i have managed to my opinion diagnose it. always using other people, the innocent community to furhter their status. this story is a terrible one indeed.

sled said...

Thanks Anon for reading and in turn writing.

Do they care? you ask... we may never know.

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