Wednesday, December 30, 2009

From December 09 - Welcome 'Summer of Ten'

Greetings all, December of 2009 is approaching its end. In the North, the bitter cold strikes, and in the South, the warmth embraces. Barbeques are lit, meat consumed and crisp beer drunk. The long days in the south draw hordes of people to the outdoors, where sun, surf and swim are found. The people of the north grab snowboards and skis and head out to mountains and runs.

Airplane giant Boeing sent their 787 on its maiden test flight from Washington state. Airbus watches closely as the two powerhouses battle for the most superior of aircraft. It is akin to the battle between the U.S. and The Russians in the space war. Richard Branson is talking about space visits as well.

Our book club is going strong and December included two meetings. We read rich literature, discussed ideas, theology, technology and more. I would be interested in hearing what you have read or if you have any recommendations for future material. John Grisham, Jeffrey Archer and Nelson De Mille are banned and will not be tolerated.

In what could only be described as a low and baseless act, the ‘Arbeit macht frei’ sign, which was mounted at the entrance to Auschwitz, was stolen. Polish authorities did not waste any time in tracking down and recovering the stolen sign, but not before it was cut into three pieces. The site is of great historic importance and many travellers form across the globe visit and pay respects to the lives lost and the hardships that were had there.

Tiger Woods did not play a round of golf during the month. It was revealed that the master golfer was indulging in some non-golfing affairs. And that is all I will say.

December is a month of festivals, and it is followed by the greatest month of all, January. January is about freshness, rawness naivety. January always produces the New Year resolutions that are made and not kept.

December of 2009 will close a decade. A decade, where the population grew and terror reigned. Momentous incidents occurred, such as the tumbling of the twin towers, financial meltdowns and the advancement of technology.

Wishing you all a happy new year, make it bring the best out of you and your loved ones. May you be showered with health, prosperity and joyous times. May you encounter the good and fight the evil.

So as each beginning comes from another beginning’s end, let us welcome the ‘Summer of Ten’.


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