Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Part 3 - year in review - December

December – 2010 is the Chinese year of the tiger; it came into effect a couple months early, as the secret double lead life of Tiger Woods was unveiled. In fairness to the sportsperson of the decade, like human beings, tigers make mistakes too. Tiger wasn’t only swinging golf clubs during his many golf tours of the world. And apparently tigers mate all year round. While on the topic of sport, Australia drew Germany, Serbia and Ghana for the World Cup. John Lennon was remembered and the streets were filled with Hanukah and Xmas lights. We celebrated 8 days of illumination, whilst environmentalists in Copenhagen celebrated climate change. Boeing got airborne as their newest jet, takes off in Washington State. The world is outraged as the ‘Arbeit macht frei’ sign is stolen from Auschwitz, Poland. The sign is later recovered by Polish authorities and had been cut into 3 pieces, a piece for each word. In separate incidents the pope was knocked down at mass in the Vatican and Berlusconi was attacked in Milan. A Nigerian national attempts to blow up a commercial jet in the U.S.A, but a Flying Dutchman saves the day. With a half a billion-dollar budget and 3D glasses, Avatar opened in cinemas worldwide. It remains to be seen if the film will be profitable. In my opinion, it was extraordinary theatrics, ordinary plot. The hot weather in the Southern Hemisphere causes bushfires to rage and ruin.

This is just some of the happenings throughout 2009. It marks the end of a decade, a decade that was labelled the noughties (or naughties). So as the New Year beckons, I wish one and all a happy, safe and adventurous 2010.


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