Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December report and 2008 wrap up

I pen these words as we celebrate the festival of lights and in turn wish each and everyone happy Chanukah, Merry Xmas and well into the New Year.

The winter has finally arrived in New York in all of its glory. Snow descended on the boroughs of New York, hurricane like winds lashed the city and rain continues to plummet down. Seemingly G-d is showering the world with blessings and luck. Many would opine, that it is all bit too late. I’ll take all the blessings that I can.

All is good from the urban streets of New York. I have begun my preparation course for the New York Bar Examinations. I have had lectures and have been poring over material such as Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Corporations Laws. Another 20 subjects await my studies for the New York Bar. The Americans have an interesting and peculiar list of legal jargon, amongst their other strong attributes, including the now infamous Bernard Madoff. They like to work with degrees of crime.  Legislators seem to find some degree in which they can work with to keep crims in the slammer.  Yet, there is more.  A whole lot more. But like the marathon, I will keep a steady pace and soldier on through the studies. I will not glance over my shoulder from time to time making sure that the next competitor is close by. I’m running my own race. I’m going for gold.

December has been good. My sister and brother in law visited on their way to their new abode in Australia. We rode the subway, we walked the cobblestone streets of Soho and we ate Mediterranean style food in the West Village.

So the year of 2008 is drawing to a close. It has been laden with history and mystery. It has been inundated with blessings and joyous times. It has been swamped with accomplishment and achievement. Unfortunately it has also been the victim of tragedy and loss.

In no order of importance, these are some of the highlights of 2008. America elects its first black President, Barack Obama. It is time for change he says. She says, time will tell. It is made public that yes, we are in a recession. World markets tumble and descend into the lowest figures seen since the great depression.  Investment banks and financial institutions are wound up, bought out and assisted by Governments in extraordinary circumstances.  The price of oil fluctuates while people’s hearts flutter as they watch numbers and figures fall and fall in Wall Street. Unemployment is rising while Lake Tiberias is dropping. OJ Simpson is convicted of armed robbery and is now a prisoner, finally. Innocent holy people were mercilessly murdered because they were Jewish. Terrorism is still being fought. That is just some of what happened in 2008.

People were wed, funerals were held, babies were begot and many drinks were consumed. The world is a year older and apparently poorer. Some of us are wiser others have become inferior. The Messiah is a step closer. And people continue to be people.

I sign off with best wishes of luck in the New Year.  Let us take all the lessons learnt and resolutions made in the past and retain them and use them as tools for our new year. Keep doing good acts of kindness for the Royal Highness and whomever else you encounter, remembering, you get what you give. So from the end of 2008, starts a new beginning in 2009. I bless you all with a year where whatever you desire, dream and intend on eventuates.


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