Sunday, March 1, 2009

March and onwards 09

So March 09 is in existence. It is almost a whole 24 hours of age. It is being distilled in the casket called 'life'. I watched a very funny yet serious take on life today in a youtube clip which a friend of mine sent me. It is titled "everything's amazing, nobody's happy", it sums up the present situation of the current surroundings. I'm no parent, but I know a few and it is in times like this that simple directions and instructions are to be instilled and imbued in the younger folk to appreciate the goodness of existence. 

Give Obama a chance. 
Whilst we watch his change(s).
They have given Netanyahu another stint.
And Fidel is eating mints.
Get inspired. 
Become someone's muse.

Don't get jaded.

Here is the clip.

1 comment:

Raizel said...

Amazing clip, Shlom. Thanks for posting. It's frightening how easily we take things for granted. Thanks for the reminder especially now that its Adar, a month of increased joy. Appreciating all the wonders in our lives is such a poignant way to bring more joy into our lives.

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