Friday, March 20, 2009


Truth is an important aspect of life. It is human nature and a part of mankind. We are not perfect beings, so does this mean we should not strive for perfection, if it is not obtainable? 

I  am not sure. What I do know is that today I witnessed a high profile member of a community punished for not disclosing the truth over a petty matter. It was the lies he told that brought his undoing and jail sentence. High ranking officials are meant to be role models for the community and when their role is abused and disgraced even by some misdemeanor, they must suffer the consequences. 

No one escapes justice.


Sheva said...

Telling the truth doesn’t imply perfection. Being an honest and truthful person is obtainable, whereas perfection (as a human) is not.
Justice, in this context, is an interesting concept. Who are the judges that impose this justice? Are they just themselves? Is the justice that you speak of (which no one escapes) just in its own right? Do the consequences meet the action? I agree that everyone is accountable for the choices they make, yet I wouldn’t actually applaud the imperfect human judicial system as rightfully dishing to each what they seemingly deserve.
PS--I am unaware of the specific matter you discuss… only commenting on the theory of it all.
Great Blog

sled said...

Thanks Sheva for the input.

Glad you enjoy the blog.

Happy Pesach. Enjoy Australia.

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