Friday, May 8, 2009

Second Passover = second chances.

G-d loves us! You may ask how this is so? The fact that in life we are afforded second chances is proof to this matter.


Enter Adam and Eve, the first two human beings to reside in this great world. How lucky, living in the Garden of Eden. A transgression occurs, when they partake in the eating of the forbidden fruit. G-d decides instead of bringing about their death, they will be expelled from their ‘paradise’, the Garden of Eden. The human being is given a second chance in this world, minus the luxuries of the Garden of Eden.


We leave Egypt and stand at the foot of Mount Sinai, eagerly awaiting the appearance of Moses our leader who is to unveil and hand to us the Ten Commandments, our guide to life. We instead choose to dance around a Golden Calf. We lose hope and trust in G-d. Moses appears and sees the abominable sight of the Golden Calf and the ‘chosen people’ dancing around it, he subsequently breaks the two tablets. But G-d, yet again, gives us a second chance. A new set of the Ten Commandments are formed and we receive the Torah.


We are told that our bodily souls are creatures of reincarnation. Our souls have been to this world before, albeit in dissimilar forms, with distinct features and a different body. The soul returns to ‘fill the gaps’, which were left unfinished in their previous sojourn in this world. Our souls are ‘second chances’, here to accomplish and complete the souls’ unfulfilled mission.


There are countless other second chances that have been and in the future will be.


G-d commands that any person who was unable to bring the Paschal offering on Pesach, that a second opportunity to bring the offering will be made available on Pesach Sheni. One is not to think that the chance has elapsed or lost, it is not too late. The offering would be brought late, but better than never.


G-d is telling us, if we err, if there are mistakes in our lives, do not give up hope. There is a form of relief. G-D’s love and compassion in allowing us second chances, is not to be taken for granted. We must act. We must do. We must rectify. We must progress.


One may be afforded a second chance over another. A person may be given an additional opportunity to prove themselves in some form or manner. In contrast, one may not be given an instance of showing their true colours, through additional opportunities and ‘second’ chances. But, that is life my dear friends. G-d works in mysterious ways.


So, today being the Second Passover in Hebrew Pesach Sheni, a day in which we were recipients of a second chance, should give us the strength and faith to receive our ‘third chance’, the rebuilding of the third Temple in Jerusalem.


G-d truly does love us!   

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