Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I saw the Sun

Every 28 years we bless the sun as it completes its vernal equinox. We bless the sun and in turn bless G-d for creating such a wonderful place to live in. Earth, equipped with the sun and the moon serve a vital aspect of our existence. 

So bless the sun that vegetates our needs , produces spectacular sunrises and sunsets, gives sunlight and warmth. 

I attended the blessing of the sun ceremony at the Western Wall in Jerusalem earlier this morning - 8 April 2009. There was a large crowd in attendance on a gorgeous, stunning and picturesque morning. The crowd blessed the sun in unison for its input within our living world and for illuminating our surroundings and life. The crowd together thanked G-d for the creation of the Sun and G-D's continued support of all creations and beings.

I saw the Sun


Anonymous said...

vernal equinox? what does that mean?

sled said...

According to Jewish tradition, the sun has a 28 year solar cycle. The Vernal Equinox is a fancy way of saying when the sun completes its cycle.

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