Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tel Aviv Beach Culture

I went beaching to Tel Aviv (located on the Mediterranean Sea) on Friday. It was sunny and divine. The water clear and refreshing. The sand soft and smooth. The atmosphere fun and exciting. It was amusing to see Israeli beach culture. The culture is borrowed or better, pilfered from its neighboring European counterparts, namely, Italy and Greece. There is a DJ who spins tunes, whilst Beach-maids and there male equivalents tend to the needs of the beach-goers. The proverbial Israeli- tanned walks about collecting money for the use of the beach chairs and recliners.

However the beach culture revolves around the game called 'Matkot', loosely translated as beach paddleball. I have heard that this game is Israel's unofficial national sport. Both the young and old, the male and female and whomever else partake in this quasi tennis/badminton /squash game. 

Now I must mention the Israeli interpretation of a swimsuit. Oh right, there isn't one. Go to an Israeli beach and you will spot the bather in his skimpy briefs.

Culture.  You gotta love it.

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